Legenda Rawa Pening

Cerita rakyat dalam bahasa inggris || Legenda Rawa Pening Cerita rakyat dalam bahasa inggris || Legenda Rawa Pening In ancient times, there lived a woman named Endang Sawitri who lived in the village of Ngasem. Endang Sawitri is pregnant, and then she gives birth. Strangely, the one born was not an ordinary baby, but a dragon. Naga was later given the name Baru Klinting. New Klinting is a unique dragon. He can speak like a human. When he was a teenager, Baru Klinting asked his mother. He wants to know if he has a father, and where his father is. Endang Sawitri replied that his father was a king, who was meditating in a cave, on the slopes of Mount Telomoyo. One day, Endang Sawitri said that the time had come for Baru Klinting to meet his father. He gave a clash to Baru Klinting. It was a legacy from Baru Klinting's father, and could be proof that Baru Klinting was truly his son. Archipelago Folklore "Legend of Swamp Pening" New Klinting left for the hermi...